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Receiving Blessings in Your Life with Faith in Your Heart

Rebuild the image that you have of yourself, filling up the emptiness that fear and frustration have left inside of you with the love, strength and the presence of the Holy Spirit in you. Realize and focus on all the talents and abilities that you have in order to be able to appreciate the blessings in your life with gratitude in your heart.  See in yourself a new person,  empowered by positive thoughts of faith and courage and capable to overcome any challenge. Choose to defeat all the negative feelings that destroy your hope and the light of the Spirit in you by assuming a new attitude of trust in the special plan that God has for you. You are not alone, but surrounded by an immense ocean of love that is God. May Our Mother Mary guide you through your life and help you to see all the wishes of your heart come true. May Angels always be by your side illuminating your life with faith.


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