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Let Your Faith Be the Eyes that Lead You to a Beautiful Miracle

In the middle of a storm of difficulties when dark clouds surrounds your life, and it is hard to see beyond our own understanding, empower yourself with faith and hope, and never lose perspective of the plan God has for you.
The simplicity of the ingredients of a miracle should energize your spirit when everything else doesn't make sense.    Courage, faith, hope, humility, and trust in the love of God should guide the eyes of our hearts showing us a way for a miracle in our lives, even when our physical eyes and  mind see only an dead end sign ahead. Believe that everything is possible as long as we have faith in the mysterious ways of a faithful God whose promises never fail.   Kindle the flame of hope in you, growing in the garden of your mind positive thoughts that can make you faith stronger and eliminating fear and doubts. May God and Our Lady fill your life with power of faith and the virtues of patience and endless hope to see beyond your human understanding.


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