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Love is Your Heart Guided By The Light of God

Love is spontaneous, pure, simple, and powerful. Love is peace. It is a music inside your soul that you sing out loud, and it is expressed in all your acts. Love is learning that a moment lived with faith gives you a tomorrow of hope where new opportunities come into your life. Love shines so bright that it can be seen miles away,and even the most dark places are illuminated by its light. Love is God in your heart. Give love every day, and receive the reward of a smile coming from a heart that has been touched by the magic of  your love. Priceless and timeless is the power of love. A heart that loves is a heart that sees through the eyes of God. Love can do and transform everything. If you ask what the secret of real happiness and beauty is, hear the voice of your heart and you will find the answer. Simply as that, this is revealed in the miracle of love.
May Our Mother Mary fill your heart with love and help you to be a sun that shines in the lives of others through the magic of love. May Angels  always guide your heart to the light of love.


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