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Believe in Impossible Things

Have no fear to dream and believe in impossible things as for God everything is possible. God asks you to put all your best efforts in making your faith strong and developing confidence in His unconditional love and continual guidance. Every morning as you wake up, start a brand new day accepting the gift of faith in your life and letting go all fears and doubts. Choose enthusiasm over pessimism, and defeat that voice that tries to convince you that giving up in what you believe is the only available option. Find fulfillment in your heart believing in as many impossible things as you may have in your mind; that means believing in those dreams and desires that you have buried deep inside your heart under a pile of pain, disillusionment, anxiety and apprehension. Pray to Jesus and Mother Mary, renewing in yourself feelings of confidence and trust in the miraculous ways of the Lord. Then, commit yourself, persevere in your faith and respond to the loving call of God with courage, conviction and steadfast heart. God will never let you alone.


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