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With God You Shall No Fear

If you are willing to follow the word of the Cross, you shall not fear. Christ promises to sustain and deliver us from any danger that we may encounter in our way, answering our prayers and manifesting His unconditional  love every day of our lives. However, in order to be able to see the signs of the manifestation of our Lord in our lives, we must hold on to our faith and remain strong in our hope. We must never surrender to fear. The fear that fills up our minds with doubts and frustration, kills the joy of our souls, and endangers our vision of a fulfilled future and dreams come true.That kind of fear will only that interrupt the serenity of our spirits and the peace of our hearts, making us weak and prone to failures. Be aware, then, of perils that fear brings; and  whenever you feel threatened by this malicious sensation, look for shelter in the arms of Christ. May Our Mother Mary guide you and show you the way to your wishes giving you faith and hope to your heart.


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