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Reborn in Christ

Our Lord asks us to die daily to ourselves; that is to leave behind everything that makes us imperfect and vulnerable beings and takes us away from the perfection of the love of God and the plan that He has for us. The  request is clear: Christ asks to empty ourselves of fear, doubts, pain, insecurities, and all those things and attitudes that weaken our faith and trust in His love. He also asks us to put remain confident in Him, so that as we get rid of our flaws, faults and defects, we can reborn  Christ as a new person with a new spirit, finding our true self in the process with a more solid conviction and faith that is empowered by the divine love of God himself. Dying to ourselves means to make the decision destroy all the things that become an obstacle between us and God himself. Our fears that attach u to this world and don't let us trust completely and with an unbreakable faith in God's mercy. When we face difficult moments in life, let Our Mother Mary show us the way to Jesus.


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