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Let Your Faith Remain Strong

Sometimes, we wonder about the cause of the infinite number of obstacles and troubles we have to face in life. If we think carefully and evaluate our response and behavior during difficult times, we will see that mos of the time, we let suffering, pain, fear, frustration and doubts to blur our reason making very difficult to overcome our problems. God tests our faith and endurance and our ability to remain strong in hope every moment, and He always expects us to emerge triumphant  from every difficult situation and adverse condition. In spite of all hardships, God, who loves us infinitely,  wants us to be smart and brave enough to think carefully and learn from our difficulties, concentrating on developing important and positive aspects of our personality and eliminating all those things slow our spiritual grow, such as fear, doubts, and guilt. So, we must learn to  use every adversity to stimulate our faith and empower our spirit with the force of love; a love that comes from God Himself and shows the way to follow. May Our Mother Mary fill your heart with faith and love to overcome all difficulties and be closer to Jesus Christ.


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