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Plant and Nourish the Seed of Goodness

Many times in life we encounter  people in which the reflection of God's image is blurred and hard to see. They, in most cases, have such an incredible insensitive behavior towards others. It seems that for one or other reason they totally lost the notion of human values and family and friendship bonds, and the worst part is that these people can hurt others really bad. They use their aggressive attitude to make feel others afraid and weak. However, we must always speak up and make them notice that their behavior is wrong. We shouldn't be afraid to talk. We have to realize that by telling these people that what they are doing is wrong, we are not only standing up against this kind of insensitive attitude, but also we are planting a seed of positive change in their minds and hearts. Maybe the seed will take a long time to grow, and maybe these aggressive people will feel ashamed and will answer us with anger, but we never have to feel afraid. In this way, we are doing something good for ourselves and for others too. Always remember that God has blessed you with a sensitive and courageous soul. Never be afraid to speak up and do what is right! Believe in yourself because God, who loves you very much, believes in you. May God and Our Lady give you the courage and strength to always act with braveness against injustice and to plant and nourish the seed of goodness in people's hearts.


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