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Courageous is Your Soul and Faithful is Your Life in The Hands of God

Courageous is your soul. Protected is your life in the hands of God. Storms can come, but the sun will rise again making all the shadows of your sadness fade away with its light. Your heart trust in all Heavenly help that you receive everyday. You see Angels around you that sing a song of hope for you in your soul, and through messages, They communicate with you letting you know that God is with you hearing your prayers. Everyday, repeat in your heart these words of hope and confidence in God: "God help me to live a holy life, and that each day that passes by I can learn to love you in a more perfect way. Lord give the courage to face daily challenges with faith." Trust in God and Our Mother Mary's love and the special plan that they have for you. A plan of love and blessings where all your wishes come true.


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