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Pray and Believe in God, Our Mother Mary and Angel's Help

When we pray, we open our hearts to God's love. We affirm that we believe in God's help and empower our thoughts with a faithful attitude. Praying is to let ourselves be guided by the power of love that in God's graces becomes a miracle in our lives. Everything can be impossible if  we fear, but if we believe anything can be possible. From Heaven a light of hope we receive when we lift our souls to a prayer of hope. Feel and think what you wish. Believe that you can achieve what you heart is asking for. Become one with God and Our Mother Mary. Call Angels to protect you  and show you the way to follow. When you open your heart to Angel's love you can see Them and hear their messages. May your way be guided by all Heaven protection. May the love of Our Mother Mary get you close to Jesus giving you beautiful blessings in your life.


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