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The Way of Love

Our dear God wants us to live according to the perfect way of love. The kind of love that reflects the perfection of Our Creator in everyone of us, and it is capable to grow fast and strong inside our hearts becoming an essential part of what we are. A love that empowers our faith with the wondrous and inspiring force of hope, giving us the certainty that we are part of a perfect plan designed for the Divine Power of Our Lord. The kind of love that makes us believers, dreamers, and builders of a life illuminated by the light and beauty of every-day miracles. A love that gives us the energy we need to defeat our fears and create a destiny based on the solid foundation of our dreams and aspirations. That is the way of love pure and perfect that can transcend time and space and heal the scars of our souls. The love that God give to us every day and manifests in our lives constantly. May God and Our Mother Mary grant us the gift of living the way of love every day becoming instruments of change and hope wherever we may go.


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