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Mysterious and Special are The Ways in Which Our Lives are Being Guided

Mysterious and special are the ways in which our lives are being guided. Sometimes we don't understand why something is happening to us, but believe in your heart that God is there hearing all your prayers. There is no prayer that can't be heard by Heaven. The love that is in your heart is the voice that can communicate with God. God sends us Angels to guide and protect us. Every time you fear, invite Angels to come into your life by a call of faith from the bottom of your heart.Feel Angels presence in your life healing your sorrows and lighting up your heart with messages full of love that get you closer to all your dreams. Angels never leave us alone. They come to guide our lives to a beautiful path of blessings that God has for each one of us. God loves you and Angels too. Believe. Stay positive through a prayer of hope to receive Angel's help in your life.
May Our Mother Mary always guide your life, and show you a path of faith where everything is possible with love and hope in your heart.


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