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Do Not Fear--Have Faith

Do not fear if you have faith. Do not try to understand things as they seem to be. Faith is to believe that in despite of all difficulties what it seems to be it is not what you  may think it is. Faith is to believe with all your heart in God's help. It is to feel in your heart that what you are asking for is coming. When you have faith, you see through the eyes of your heart where love is there, and hope doesn't let you give up. Let the light of faith guide you in your life. There can be miracles if you believe, and believe is to have faith. Sometimes it is not easy to have an unbreakable faith, especially when everything remains the same, and we can't find a way that leads us to our dreams. It is in those moments that you have to be sure that God is with you holding your hand  and walking by your side. Our Mother Mary will never leave you alone. Trust in Her. Don't be afraid.


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