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Change a Life and Share a Light of Faith and Hope

Life can't be the same without a reason to live and dream about. Make of each moment of your life an expression of God's love in your heart. Share a light of hope and faith in the life of others. You can make the difference with only one word of pure love. Wherever you go,  Angels from Heaven are guiding you.So, don't be afraid to dream and walk through unknown paths. If you trust in God you are saved by His grace. Follow your dreams leaving a mark of hope in the hearts of others. Your life is your journey, and your destination is to see all your dreams come true changing lives with love on your way.A year ago, I decided to share my journey with all of you through this blog, a little space that lets me express my feelings through words from my heart. Thanks for being part of my dreams and inspiring me to keep walking on my journey!
May Our Mother Mary be always in our hearts, walking with us, and showing us a light of faith and hope to get closer to our dreams and don't give up on our way.


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