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The Map of Your Destiny is in Your Heart

The map of your destiny is written in your heart. Your heart will guide you  to cross the distances that keep you away from your dreams. Every day can be a mystery, but every time you set your heart free to all fears the route that you are walking becomes illuminated by your faith. You will never be lost in your way because love is the compass of your life. Love will show the way to an extraordinary place where your life will be lifted to the light of   a miracle. The miracle of seeing your dreams come true. When the wind blows against you, open your heart to the Heavenly help. Angels will come to you, and will embrace your life with their love. Don't ask for reasons. Let your heart fly, and in your mind create thoughts of gratitude for everything that happens in your life. Follow your heart. Travel with your faith, all your dreams are waiting for you to be conquered. The pieces of your life are connected with your heart and, your heart sees through the power of love the way of your destiny. Listen to your heart. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Empower your thoughts with love and you will never be wrong.
May Our Mother Mary be the light that illuminate your heart with love and help you to see the way to happiness.


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