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Rise Your Heart to The Light of Faith

Everybody has dreams to achieve, wishes that enrich our hearts with the gentle expression of love and guide us to the way of happiness.To have fear is like digging up your dreams in a storm of dust that blocks your way to reach  the sky of hope. Let your heart rise to the light of faith and be touched by the most beautiful blessing from Heaven. No matter the circumstances that involve your wish, an attitude with positive thoughts will keep you moving forward and closer to your dreams jumping the bridge of  adversities. Follow the voice of your heart. Never be afraid. Open your heart to love. Love is the power that creates invisible paths to connect your life with your dreams, and those are revealed through the miracle of your faith. Find the strength your heart needs in the power of love. See the light in the dark of uncertainty through prayer to find God in your heart and Angel's protection.
May Our Mother Mary show you the light when the darkness of your fears intend to fill your heart with doubts. Trust in Our Mother Mary's love. She is in your heart, you can feel Her love when you believe in Her guidance.


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