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Love Transforms Lives with a Very Special Touch

Love transformed my life in a very special way. It gave me light to see hope beyond darkness in a bright horizon of dreams. It taught me to be patient when the clock seems to tick slower, and outside time flies. Love got me closer to God in which I found the source of all truth. It gave me all the reasons to believe in miracles. Love opened my heart to Angels and all their Heavenly assistance. Love showed me that the beauty of a soul shines more than the illusion of being something else far from our true identity. It is in the small actions and simple moments in which the love is there, the most wonderful, pure and extraordinary feeling that truly fills our hearts. I follow the light of love that is in my heart. Everyday, I reveal the mystery of the miracle that made me found you in my life. I keep moving with faith letting behind all fears because I know that love is the power that changed my life and gave me the gift of  having you in my heart. Believe in love and reveal a destiny full of joy.
May Our Mother Mary guide your heart where all your wishes are and your soul find the peace to see each day the light of love in front your eyes.


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