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Love and Happiness in a Life of Opportunities

Life offers to you many opportunities for you to take. When you open your heart to the light of love and faith, you can appreciate each one of them with your eyes. The call of your heart, the hope in your thoughts create paths that lead you to your wishes. Happiness is the encounter of love in your life, in all its expressions. You reach happiness in your life when you feel peace in your heart. It is that peace that gets you free of all fears, and connects you with God. Your life is a beautiful gift that God gives you to learn to love, and from love find ways to shine getting close to your dreams, and Heaven with your acts. Determination and faith move you forward to amazing opportunities for your dreams. Only if you believe, you can receive those opportunities. Always trust in your heart, and let it to guide you to your wishes receiving the light of  God's love and the help of Angels in your life.
May Our Mother Mary help you to open your heart to love and faith to reach your dreams, and feel the presence of Heavenly guidance in your life.


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