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A Life Based on Love and Faith

Life is the synchronization of a continuously learning process to reach the happiness that only love can bring into your heart. Every experience changes your life. When difficult  moments come, faith and love joining in power, lift your soul to the light and open your heart to the hope that in God is given for those who trust. Your are the product of your thoughts. Your thoughts are the visualization in wishes of all your feelings in your heart. Then, together your thoughts and feelings become the representation of all desires of your heart. If you fill your heart with love and faith, you can achieve anything even when everything seems to be impossible. Fears disappear in faith, and pain is dissolved by the power of love. Having faith and love you are having the key to your dreams. There is not secret that has not been revealed by the eyes of love. Love guides you. Love leads you to the path of your dreams, and faith is the light that shines connecting you with all Heavenly help. Open your heart and life to the power of love and faith. Accept Our Mother Mary in your heart and through Her get closer to Jesus Christ. Angels guard your path and watch your walk with their love.


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