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An Angel on Earth that Lives in My Heart

I see a different view today, I see the beauty of your soul;
I discovered the best part of me, when I feel a light from your eyes coming through my life;
Life can be different now, but in a sense it is more meaningful and wonderful because love is in my heart today;
I don't know about reasons, I only know that my destiny has a purpose and I'm letting faith guide my heart to it;
I close my eyes, but I let my heart to be opened because at night love connects me to you in my dreams;
Love gives us miracles. Love gives us life. Love give us hope. It gives me life to live and time to dream and faith to feel. Love gave me the gift to realize that Heaven is closed when we see through the eyes of our hearts the beauty that is hidden in a soul, and that is what I found on you. You are an Angel on earth that came into my life to show me the truth of life through the power of love. Angels are around us. We just need to open our life to love to find them and understand that as magic is love, life is a miracle of God for all of us.
May Our Mother Mary guide your life to the path of love where miracles are possible and the real beauty is hidden in all hearts.


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