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The Voice of Love

I can see through your heart what is unknown for the eyes of others;
I can appreciate the simplicity and grandiosity of the world in all its shapes and colors;
Time can fly leaving you memories of hard moments lived with faith, but the splendor of  your soul  will always captivate me with its beauty;
I can heal your soul when it is hurt, and give you hope when everything is dark;
I can be described with words, but you can help me to be understood by others by all your acts;
Believe in me. I'm the seed of all miracles. I transform hearts with the light of God and the Heavenly guidance of Angels.
I'm the voice that will never disappear ,as long as you open your heart to me, I'm the voice of love.
May Our Mother Mary's love embrace your life with hope finding in every situation a new opportunity for your heart to shine with faith.


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