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The Sound of Peace

The sound of the peace is the echo of love in the world of all hearts that feel the light of God in their lives.Peace is the expression of a heart that sees in others the image of God and a piece of Heaven on earth.
Peace grows with the freedom that establishes a consensus of unity through the power of love. One soul with peace in its heart, it is a soul that shines with dreams and wishes guided by God. Peace conquers happiness and defeats fears creating bounds of brotherhood and harmony of love between people. The sound of peace is louder than you can imagine.It resonates in the universe through the energy of love of millions of hearts that dreams  to make of this day, a new tomorrow of hope. To find peace in your life, feel love in your heart, and let your soul be embraced by the protection and guidance of Angels' light.
May Our Mother Mary bless your life with love and peace to shine with hope in this world transforming hearts with the light of faith and union with Christ.


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