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The Mystery of Life and The Miracle of Love

Believe in yourself and the power that is within you that gives you the ability to find solutions and create paths of hope to your dreams. Life can have many ways that lead you to the same place. Sometimes, we climb the mountain to prove our faith before to see the sun comes out in our lives. When everything is dark, love shows you the light. Love that finds you in the adversity, grows strong blooming with the light of your faith. You write your destiny with your actions,and change your path to another wide when you learn to trust in your heart and react with love in your acts. Nothing remains the same, everything change as time passes by.All the  circumstances can be difficult to overcome,but the love in your heart finds always a space to shine. If love is present in your life, everything can be achieved in all the ways possible your dreams can come true. Listen the voice of your heart, you are so far away from the start, and so close to your dreams if you believe that love is force that moves you forward. Open your eyes to the light and your heart to love. Nothing can be wrong because you are following the path of the true in life with Angels by your side.
May Our Mother Mary help you to have faith in your life, hope in your acts,and love in your heart to never give up on all your dreams.    


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