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Love is God Living in Your Heart

The power of love goes beyond understanding because it is God within you that is speaking, and shining in all your acts.When you open your heart to love, you are receiving the grace and light of God in your life. Let this light be spread to others in all the things that you do. Only love can make a miracle, see light where everything is dark, hope where everything seems to be lost, chances in difficult times, and transform lives with faith and dedication. Love guides you to the beauty of the simplicity and the grandiosity of the small things in which God is present, and true happiness is shining. Do everything with love. See love in all hearts. Live love in all your acts, and reach Heaven with your heart.
May Our Mother Mary help you to see God in all people. May your heart be filled with love to give to all and Angels protect your soul from the dark with their light.


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