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Your Heart and The Love That Lies Within It

The heart doesn't  know about illusions that hide feelings. It confronts the truth with love. A heart can explain what a mind can't understand because it sees beyond what the human eyes can perceive, that is under the perspective of  the light of love and faith. Let rays of love touch your heart and bright your life with colors of hope. Find peace and freedom in your soul  following the voice of your heart. When you realize that all what you are lies in your heart,  you will find the greatest source of miracles within yourself through the power of love.  Listen to Angels speaking words of love, and fly with your heart believing that what you dream is what will become a treasure moment in your life.
May Our Mother Mary guide you and help you to achieve with faith all your dreams. Never stop believing in your heart and the magic that it has through the power of love. May Angels embrace your soul with their love giving you the courage that you need to face challenges in your life with hope.


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