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The Greatest Power of Faith Makes Everything Possible

Ask and you will receive. The greatest power of faith makes everything possible and visible to the eyes of a heart that trust and believe in God. For every question, there is an answer. For every problem, there is a solution. For every misunderstanding, there is an understanding. For every conflict, there is a way. If we only let our faith be the fundamental core of our lives, we will witness greatest miracles around us. Release all your fears and doubts, and follow the light of your faith that connects you to all God's graces. Whatever you are asking for  is being heard by God. You are always being guided by His infinite love. Close your eyes and open your heart without fears to God letting your faith show you the way to all your wishes. May Our Mother Mary be the star that guide you closer to Jesus and through Him you can see all the wishes of your heart come true. May Angels help you to have faith in your heart believing that everything is possible.


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