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Never Be Afraid to Do What Is Right

It is not always easy to do what is right. It requires courage, decision, an a brave heart. Sometimes, we feel that if we do what we know is correct, we will be exposed and vulnerable. In those moments the fear of feeling different from the rest or being criticized and disapproved takes our spirit and paralyzes our body. Never be afraid to do what you know is right. Never let fear stop you from helping others or speaking up in favor of the justice of the Lord. The human soul is wrapped in a cobweb of troubles and trials, but we are also protected by the hand of the Good Shepherd, who guides us to the light when we seem lost and overwhelmed. The certainty   of the constant presence of God in our lives is all we need to overcome any obstacle. When facing a difficult situation, ask yourself: what would Jesus do? Then, ask Christ for help and guidance. You will see that He will show you the way, even when you are not able to see the road of hope ahead. May Jesus and Our Lady sustain your spirit with love giving you the strength to walk guided by faith and empowered by love and hope.


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